
Dear family,

Adulting is hard. And in modern Western society, we’re often made to feel like we should have it all together. But filing taxes, balancing budgets, landing that “adult job” is not easy and honestly, isn’t always glorious. Navigating through life’s ups and downs isn’t like walking on easy street. And if you identify as a person of color, queer, gender non-conforming etc. that adds an extra layer of funk.

Shit is hard. You deserve for your struggles, so-so, and instagram worthy moments to be reaffirmed. You are not in this alone.

So here’s to you. A work in progress. A queer in progress. I won’t promise to get it all right 100 percent of the time, but I promise to bring authentic and intersectional stories of everyday people who are also fumbling gracefully through adulthood. So let me tell you something…

A heart striped with the colors of the rainbow symbolizing gay pride
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